
城市学期 students



    UNH credits at no additional cost


    Hours of hands-on learning



    Stay in NH and make a difference

    What is 影响学期?

    局部变化. 国家网络.

    影响学期 (SFI) is a full-semester, 有学分的实习项目,教育和授权本科生成为未来问题的解决者. Open to all UNH students, SFI为学生提供每周30小时的新罕布什尔州社会变革部门(非营利组织)实习机会, mission-driven for profits, 和政府机构),并在你的学位中奖励最多16个UNH学分.

    Drawing from the success and resources of the 城市学期 波士顿的计划, and in connection with other New England institutions, SFI的学生将形成一个多元化的、多才多艺的国家群体,致力于社会变革. 

    Need 金融 assistance to participate in 影响学期? This program qualifies for the Equity in Experience Scholarship (up to $5000 to help you participate). 教师- - - - - - nominate a student here!

    重要的日子 & 提醒

    Spring Participation Application Deadlines: 

    Fall Participation Application Deadlines: 
    最后: April 15 (deadline extended)

    应用 to Semester for impact 


    亚历克斯·约翰逊 (亚历克斯.Johnson@collegeforsocialinnovation.org ),或向你的导师询问其他问题.

    学习 more abouT 影响学期


    • Same tuition cost as one semester at UNH (金融 aid applies!)
    • 与 dedicated mentor/supervisor
    • Online Wednesday evening course (optional)
    • Hybrid Friday seminar/reflective workshops
    • Maintain your current housing (on or off campus)
    • Stay involved with UNH clubs and activities
    • Leave a legacy in your community
    • 酷津贴: 
      •  $595.00 stipend to help defray costs during the semester
      •  Transportation and lodging during our Launch Week mini-conference
      •  Approximately $2000 post-service education award
      •  Access to AmeriCorps' network of Employers of National Service, who prioritize hiring AmeriCorps alumni
      •  有机会在公民服务中与州和国家领导人建立联系




    • 学生 may apply to participate in their sophomore, 初级, 或者大四, with a declared major* and 2.UNH累计平均绩点5分或以上**,3分以上优先考虑.0.  
      • *未申报的学生有资格通过请愿被考虑,并且必须在学习期间至少获得12个UNH学分.
      • **学生 with a GPA between 2.0-2.5 are eligible to be considered by petition. 
    1. 请填写一份 UNH Study Away Student Eligibility Form, to confirm that you are in good academic, 金融, 以及司法地位, and that you will represent UNH in a positive light.  填写表格的顶部,并将其提交给学院的院长办公室.  
    2. International 学生 must get 授权 from the Office of International 学生 & Scholars to participate in 影响学期.

    本学期的影响力学生将服务于主要的社会部门组织(非营利组织), mission-driven for profits, and government agencies) four days a week, 15周.  

    Social Sector Placements in New Hampshire

    Every placement will be a little different, 但每个学生都将有一位专门的导师——一位精心挑选的优秀学生, 高潜力的领导人. 学生们将花大约20%的时间跟随高级领导, 他们40%的时间在为组织做一线服务, and 40 percent working on a special project. 本学期的影响力学生将获得400多个小时的基于工作的学习, 让学生更多地了解自己和他们的激情,同时也建立他们的技能和网络.


    3-day Launch Week Workshop

    学期初,学生们将在波士顿参加一个为期3天的研讨会,开始建立群体认同, 的关系, and start training as problem solvers. 

    INCO 505I: 400-hour Social Change Internship

    接受该计划的学生将与NH社区(沿海或曼彻斯特-纳舒厄大都会区)的实习相匹配,该社区专注于社会变革. 所有实习都将在非营利、社会使命企业或政府机构进行. 实习地点将根据学生的兴趣进行开发和量身定制.

    学生将于周一至周四在实习地点全职工作,做有意义的工作,成为团队的一员. During the course of the semester, students will receive direct, 来自社会变革领袖的有意指导,并为他们的主办组织完成一个脚手架式的特殊项目. 

    INCO 505A: Becoming a Problem Solver (Friday workshop)

    在星期五, 实习生将开始发展他们的职业身份,并了解如何在工作场所导航,因为他们对自己的职业道路有了感觉. Interns will interact with peers, 确定并利用他们的优势,分享他们的实习经历. Through the “Becoming a Problem Solver” course, 学生将获得在工作场所、非营利组织和社会组织部门解决问题的经验.

    本课程将采用混合模式——周五的部分课程将与在波士顿市和其他机构参加影响学期的学生一起在线学习, and the other part taking place on campus, 面对面. 

    INCO 505B:社会创新者的工具箱(可选的周三晚上研讨会)

    本课程将使学生接触到与社会创新和社会企业家精神相关的概念和实践.e., the development and growth of new, 可持续发展的, and scalable approaches to the major social, 经济, and environmental challenges facing society. 学生将学习各种用于开发的工具和方法, 实现, 管理, 并评估他们在职业生涯中能够使用的社会解决方案. 本课程为他们的实习和成为问题解决者课程提供理论基础和学术对应物. The course will emphasize the systemic, 跨学科, and often cross-sector nature of both the problems and their solutions.

    *如果一个学期的影响力学生想要选择不同的UNH课程来代替社会创新者工具箱(为了满足要求), they may choose to do so. 


    UNH students will earn 16 credits for this program: 

    • 8 internship credits under INCO 505I for the 400-hour internship
    • 在INCO 505A课程中获得4个学分
    • 社会创新者工具箱课程INCO 505B下的4个学分(发现属性:社会科学)

    如果学生需要参加一个常规的UNH课程来保持一个轨迹(i.e. SPAN 402 after taking SPAN 401) or to fulfill a requirement, 他们可能会这样做,而不是参加社会创新者工具箱课程. 然而, INCO 505I实习学分和INCO 505A成为一个问题解决者学分都是这个项目的要求.

    在某些情况下, 所有或部分学分也将计入学术专业或辅修要求和/或核心分配要求. 查看预先批准的接受学期影响学分的专业列表. Be sure to speak with your academic advisor or department chair, even if your department is not on this list.


    This program costs the same as one semester at UNH! 你继续支付你的标准学费和强制性费用,没有特殊费用. 学生 维持现有的安排(住房、食物、个人开支等).  Financial aid will continue to come from UNH. 

    经济利益 & 津贴

    • $595.00 stipend to help defray costs during the semester
    • Transportation and lodging during our Launch Week mini-conference
    • Approximately $2000 post-service education award
    • Access to AmeriCorps' network of Employers of National Service, who prioritize hiring AmeriCorps alumni
    • 有机会在公民服务中与州和国家领导人建立联系


    When submitting your application by clicking the link below, you'll be brought to our non-profit affiliate's website, the College for Social Innovation, which facilitates the 影响学期 program.


    You'll be asked to submit:

    • a resume OR a LinkedIn profile
    • 2 references (not recommendations)
    • responses to short answer questions

    ​You must also complete the UNH Study Away Eligibility Form.

