Suspension Resources

The Community Standards (CS) office understands, 如果学生在永利app新版本官网地址所做的选择导致被永利app新版本官网地址停学, that life can be daunting and stressful. 休学处罚的目的是让学生暂停在UNH的学习时间,重新评估他们在教育方面的目标和价值观. 我们在下面列出了一些资源来帮助学生完成这个过程, work through their stress, and stay academically motivated.

What is Suspension?

休学处分是指学生在一定时间内与学校隔离, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified; closely review your sanctions listed to make sure you complete all parts by their due dates. 学生在休学期间被禁止进入校园——在学生休学期间进入校园建筑或进入校园财产是非法侵入, a criminal offense, and could lead to the student being arrested. 被停学后在校园里被捕可能会对一个人重新被大学录取的机会产生不利影响. 在整个休学期间,休学学生没有资格在永利app新版本官网地址系统的任何其他机构注册或上课.

Things to Know

了解更多与大学休学有关的各个方面,这对许多学生来说都很重要. Click each section to expand it for more information.

If you have been sanctioned with University Suspension, and you live in UNH Housing, you have 48 hours to move out from the date of the decision. If you choose to petition for an appeal, 在上诉官员进行上诉期间,制裁将被暂停.


休学期间结束后,学生有资格重新被UNH录取. An application for readmission through the Office of Admissions is REQUIRED. The application for readmission may be due prior to the end of your suspension period; however, you cannot resume classes until the suspension period is complete.

应该注意的是,你不能保证进入你以前的学位课程. 项目具体问题应向你所在学院的院长提出.

被停学的学生通常还被分配了其他必须完成的处罚, while they are away or once they return to UNH, or both. 确保你密切关注你的制裁,并在截止日期前完成它们. If you are unsure of your sanctions, 请查看您的听证决定或联系社区标准.

If a student’s suspension was the result of a drug charge, 他们通常会被批准参加毒品和酒精课程或与毒品和酒精执照顾问(LDAC)会面. 您的健康保险提供商应该能够为您提供您所在地区的ldac列表.

学校鼓励被停学的学生保持学习积极性. However, UNH的学术政策是不接受学生在休学期间第一学期从其他高等教育机构获得的转学分. 这项政策适用于因学业或行为原因被停学的学生.

许多学生和家长的第一个问题是,他们是否会获得学费退款或大学宿舍退款(如果学生在休学期间住在校园里)。. 要想获得这个问题的最佳答案,请联系商务服务办公室,电话:(603)862-2230. 有关住房退款的问题,请联系大学住房,电话:(603)862-2120.

从事件发生之日起,停学处罚将保留在你的纪律记录上长达七年. After this, the record is automatically expunged; no action by the student is required to have their record expunged after the five year time frame has occurred.

目前,学业成绩单不包括对学生行为的制裁. 有关成绩单的问题应直接联系UNH注册官,电话:(603)862-1500.

联合国卫生系统的行为系统独立于刑事司法系统. 如果你因任何事件而受到刑事指控,并且你对这些指控有疑问,你应该联系逮捕机构. 通常逮捕机构是UNH警察局(603)862-1427或Durham警察局(603)868-2324. Occasionally, the arresting agency could be a state agency, 如NH州警察或NH酒类委员会-执法部门. 一定要仔细阅读你从警察那里收到的任何文件. You may also want to consider obtaining legal representation; the NH Bar Association offers a lawyer referral service which can be found here or by calling (603) 229-0002.

Campus Resources